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Industrial Development in Wellington Rural
Industrial Development in Wellington Rural
Industrial Development in Wellington Rural

Wellington Carbonisation Plant

Factory (0)
Priced from R25,000,000
Size from m² to m²

Toronto Group

Toronto Group uses invasive species from the Berg River and other sources. The company is contracted to a number of companies that are in the vegetation management sector. They are championing the beneficiation of our natural resources, and in the process are creating decent jobs.

They use these resources to produce charcoal, soil conditioners and pyrolysis oil. Through their R&D department, they have partnered with Stellenbosch University to further understand what can be done with the pyrolysis oil and the syngas produced in the charcoal production process.

Full project management and principal agent service.

We were instrumental in setting up and driving the Environmental Impact Assessment and Town Planning rezoning processes. This 4 year process successfully paved the way to develop the carbonisation plant on previously agricultural land.

A critical part of our current work is to ensure that designs are efficient whilst being fit for purpose, we are working closely with the process design engineers to achieve this outcome.
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